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musim liburan hampir tiba....siap lebih awal

Friday, April 30, 2010


sajen derived from grain, which in Javanese means worshiped. sajen on something that is believed addressed to its existence in another world. Indonesian society in the world believe that they are guarded by something invisible. they still feel connected to the soul that always watch.sajen usually held in special events. with presenting "sajen" they hope the event can run smoothly. event-specific in Acre and in certain areas, sajen become the main focus in any event.but as time goes by, in some areas and complementary sajen to a mere suggestion of trust only. sajen also serve as ornament an event. variety of goods which are also depending on the stylist sajen. sajen can become table decorations are very artistic, beautiful and interesting.

* poto take @ kiki's wedding


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