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musim liburan hampir tiba....siap lebih awal

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

kali suci trekking

along the underground river, is a mix of activities between trekking with rafring. down the underground cave along the river is clear, with karst rocks that teh stalgmite and stalagtite, present an extraordinary sigth.
like entering the cave in general, also an underground river trekking into the darkalleys. with the aid of ligth, the atmosphere a bit scary for the unusual.


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MikeVessels commented on foto dalam air umbul ponggok klaten: “Travel portal online has been in the business for quite a long time directing clients with B2B…”
Barracuda Essen commented on kemah mawar pondok kopi umbul sidomukti: “Thanks for sharing, sukses terus..
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