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Friday, April 2, 2010

what's in jogja

jogja is, after all, a city world famous for its hospitality and peaceful city life. a city rich in cultureal sites and  heritage with the uniqueness the gentle touch of javanese culture , you can rest assured that your client will discover their ultimate holiday in jogja.


the most popular one is  pantai-parangtritis one of the coast of the southerm ocean wich has along strecth of black sand beach and some lovely sand dunes. and just 40 km to the south east from jogja you will find a nice beaches which has white sand along the beach, krakal and baron.


borobudur is still the world largest buddhist monument which is located in the north west of jogja around 43 kilometres borobudur on the way to solo/surakarta lies the magnificent hindu temples at prambanan.


 kotagede is the central for silver smithing, ten minutes from malioboro. kasongan is the pottery area and lied in bantul area about fiveteen minutes from the town, another choice is traditional batik cloth and batik painting in jalan tirtodipuran and tamansari as well puppets, masks and leather work.


kraton ngayogyakarta hadiningrat is the central of culture from jogja province. it has a sultan as kin gof the kraton called Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X.


the unique  taste of jogja cuisine inspires gourments world-wide, but only in jogja you can dine on the real thing. starting now some culinary attraction.


elo and progo rivers are located in magelang regency, midle java. both rivers have quite wild wave, it is nice palce to raft for the beginner who are interested to do an adventure.


cerme cave is on the cave wich lies in the bantul area and it has along the banks of the subterranean river to wolk with the stalagtites and stalagmites. beside, we still have another choice to walk around the cave like in gajah cave and seropan cave.


malioboro the main throughfare of the cityis lined with stores offering a myriad of souvenirs, fruits and snack. international brand names, state-of-the -art shoping mall and markets galore make jogja as  shoping paradise.


kaliadem lies not far from kaliurang, from the village of mbah marijan called kinah rejo, we can start to do trekking to kaliadem. at the moment kaliadem is actually the best place to get the view point the mount merapi.


the combination of jogja hospitality and the world's finest hotel chains, ensures memorable accomodation.


ice scating and snow world are coming now in jogja. shapire square can be one alternatif to recreation, and for the children to play like kid fun and golf cources are available in merapi golf.


jogja is famous as one of the destination to study. so many universities here, gajah mada university is wellknown enough one of the best university in indonesia.


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