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musim liburan hampir tiba....siap lebih awal

Thursday, April 15, 2010

horse transport

bone district in south sulawesi, is a fertile agricultural area. bone as agricultural producing areas in the region south sulawesi . the main crops are rice, corn and cocoa.
bone community has a unique way to transport their agricultural products. they used the horse as means of transport their agricultural product. fatherly transporting crops from fields to home. wage transporting crops based on the number of goods that were brought. for a sack of corn, his reward is a can of corn. cans are used as a measuring tool is a biscuit tin.
they are usually clustered and waited on the edge of rice fields ready for harvest. if there is a harvest, then they are for the average luggage, so all the horses got luggage transportation. transaction service that are still adhered to the way barter, not use the money as fees.


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