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Friday, April 30, 2010


sajen derived from grain, which in Javanese means worshiped. sajen on something that is believed addressed to its existence in another world. Indonesian society in the world believe that they are guarded by something invisible. they still feel connected to the soul that always watch.sajen usually held in special events. with presenting "sajen" they hope the event can run smoothly. event-specific in Acre and in certain areas, sajen become the main focus in any event.but as time goes by, in some areas and complementary sajen to a mere suggestion of trust only. sajen also serve as ornament an event. variety of goods which are also depending on the stylist sajen. sajen can become table decorations are very artistic, beautiful and interesting.

* poto take @ kiki's wedding

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

setono pasar grosir pekalongan

pekalongan area located by the sea or the north coast of java. as a place of trade in the of area of arts and cultural development pekalongan influenced from outside cultures. likewise the development of batik cloth in the area of culturation has occurered in other regions.
pekalongan batik motif is heavily influenced by chinese culture that have a style or chinese style. chinese motif clearly drawn in the motif of batik cloth, among others : 
# liong ie legged dragon-shaped motif
# birds of phoenix is a bird-shape motif with a feather tail and wing length panhandle. besides batik pekolngan free apart from the norms or customs, meet the market appetite. pekalongan batik can we categorize as coastal batik.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

fried grasshopper

 is the unique foods commonly eaten by people wonosari gunungkidul jogjakarta. this grasshopper is get from around the garden around the township residents. grasshopper who has beena rrested by public, are sold along the road wonosari . locusts, they cluster along the 50 cm. one set of locusts in the selling price of approximately five thousand rupiah. grasshopper common way to cook it fried or sauteed. the taste of fried grasshoppers are pretty tasty, make the most suitable in the dish and eat with hot rice.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Sunday morning at bandung

Sunday morning usually used by most of society to enjoy a vacation. many familiar places visited by the public. one of them is punclut, in this place, the public can do various activities, ranging from the sport, walking, shopping, to enjoy the snacks and meals.
like other places in Indonesia, for example in the complex  bundaran ugmsimpang lima semarang , town square rods etc, punclut also functions as a "temporary market" where in the morning all the buying and selling activity take place here. so that people who come in addition to exercising in the morning also can shop all individual needs. starting from the needs of hobby gardening, accessories, knick-knacks to make family food needs. till noon, the activities in this area stopped. merchandise already in the container by the merchants along the end of an activity carried out by people who return to their homes.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

taman maluku bandung

suasana hutan tropis di tengah kota dengan suara-suara alam yang khas terdapat di molukkenpark, yang sejak sekitar tahun 1950 disebut taman maluku, dibangun pada tahun 1919. taman ini terletak di antara menadostraat, celebesstraat, ambonstraat, dan saparuastraat I sekarang Jln. aceh, jln. sulawesi yang digabung dengan jln seram, jln. ambon dan jln. saaprua). taman malukuditata dan dilengkapi dengan sebuah kolam besar berbiaskan air mancur, bunga teratai, tanaman hias, pohon pelindung sebagai peneduh, bangku taman di keteduhan pohon, jalan taman dan tiang-tiang lampu berdekorasi artistik sehingga memberikan kesan sejuk dan asri.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

kali suci trekking

along the underground river, is a mix of activities between trekking with rafring. down the underground cave along the river is clear, with karst rocks that teh stalgmite and stalagtite, present an extraordinary sigth.
like entering the cave in general, also an underground river trekking into the darkalleys. with the aid of ligth, the atmosphere a bit scary for the unusual.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

horse transport

bone district in south sulawesi, is a fertile agricultural area. bone as agricultural producing areas in the region south sulawesi . the main crops are rice, corn and cocoa.
bone community has a unique way to transport their agricultural products. they used the horse as means of transport their agricultural product. fatherly transporting crops from fields to home. wage transporting crops based on the number of goods that were brought. for a sack of corn, his reward is a can of corn. cans are used as a measuring tool is a biscuit tin.
they are usually clustered and waited on the edge of rice fields ready for harvest. if there is a harvest, then they are for the average luggage, so all the horses got luggage transportation. transaction service that are still adhered to the way barter, not use the money as fees.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

jaran eblek

jarang eblek is.......

Saturday, April 10, 2010

bola soba

royal bone, formed early 14th century or the year 1330.thereby, thuesday 6 april, even-numbered district bone has 680-year-old. in the tone of the commemoration, there was a procession, pre mattompang arajang, or  better known as the cleansing ceremony in arajenge heriloom, heirloom storage.arajang mattompang procession book, there are six objects in the purified royal heritage. at the heirloom thet purify, including golden parachute, golden sash, kelewang,kris,spears,and guns customary seven. 

Friday, April 9, 2010

bonsai teras

taman pramuka bandung

Taman pramuka bandung terletak dijalan LLRE. martadinata atau lebih dikenal dengan jalan Riau. taman pramuka dengan tugu kitri (tunas kelapa) ini dahulu adalah bekas pompa bensin yang kemudian lahan tersebut di rubah menjadi lahan terbuka hijau sebagai taman untuk masyarakat kota bandung. sama halnya dengan taman dago atau taman juanda, in merupakan upaya pemerintah kota bandung untuk membuat bandung tetap hijau. 
taman pramuka di resmikan pada tanggal 16 juni 2008. taman pramuka ini dilengkapi dengan air mancur dengan tanaman bunga bakung warna merah hati. namun sekarang air mancur itu sudah tidak ceria lagi, karena tidak dipasang lagi, dan bunga bakungnya juga tidak sedang berbunga.
gerakan pramuka kwartir cabang kota bandung taman pramuka tempat ini dulu bernama lapangan dipati ukur, sekitar tahun 1950 (orange nassau plein). kawasan perumahan mewah dengan  halaman luas dipenuhi tanaman bunga. orange nassau plein atau lebih dikenal juga dengan sebutan oraje plein ini di bangun dengan bentuk taman sederhana sekitar tahun 1920. taman ini berbentuk setengah lingkaran dengan bangunan mirip gazebo ditempatkan di tengahnya. dibangunan ini awalnya berdiri di tengah kolamtetapi ketika tiga sisi bangunannya ditutupi jendela, kolam itupun mulai di timbu. bangunan itu semula dimaksudkan untuk tempat bersantai di tengah taman, kemudian menjadi kedai minum santai, dan menjadi toko aneka kebutuhan sehari-hari sekitar tahun 1940. sekitar wal tahun 1970 bangunan ini menjadi bangunan kosong dan akhirnya menjadi pusat segala aktifitas kepramukaan dikota bandung.
sekitar tahun 1970 di tempat ini dibangun gedung perkantoran di belakang bangunan yang telah ada. ketika taman dipati ukur dipergunakan untuk kegiatan pramuka, sejak saat itu namanya menjadi taman pramuka. perkembangan kegiatan pramuka belakangan meyebabkan gedung perkantoran itu diperbesar dan dibuat bertingkat sekitar tahun 1980. di daerah ini juga terdapat jalan taman pramuka, yang menghubungkan antara jalan LLRE martadinata dengan jalan supratman bandung.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


harus ijin kapten! hueekkk........

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