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Friday, January 15, 2010

Somba Opu Street

there are types of oil and rubbing balm with various brands. prices starting at 12 to 150 thousand. you can buying up the dozens of retail. from many stores can vary the price, the author's experience, the store is in poto's gives a slightly cheaper price than other shops, also provides a fairly complete brand. other than scrub and balm oil, the other makassar typical souvenir form of food is " the disco nuts" ( kacang disco ) and bagea . some cashew nuts and corn as an option

located around the beach Losari and the fort Somba Opu . Somba Opu street is the center of souvenir sales, crafts, and souvenirs typical makassar. This roads began to busy at about 8 am to 8 pm. shops lined along the road about 500 meters provides all the souvenirs and gifts in the form of and other snacks. Souvenir typical of makassar are "minyak tawon", most notably the large with red and white label. many tourists who buy a pair. the other than a lot of waspa oil are also available other types of ointment .

otak - otak ikan

tempat produksi sekaligus tempat jualan otak - otak ikan asli.

otak - otak ikan yang ada di sini merupakan oleh2 yang spesial karena dibuat khusus ketika dipesan. biasanya tinggal sebutin berapa banyak dan kapan akan di bawa, otak-otak sudah dibungkus rapi standar bawaan untuk masuk pesawat udara.

otak otak ikan tersebut berukuran lebih besar dari yang biasa kita temui di jakarta atau ditempat2 lain dengan rasa yang nomer satu karena dibuat dengan ikan asli dan resep turun temurun.
kaunikan lain dari tempat ini adalah bahwa otak - otak produksi tempat ini tidak dijual di toko lain, hanya melayani penjualan langsung dirumah yang sekaligus juga tempat produksi. promosinya juga dari mulut ke mulut alias getok tular kalo istilah semarangan.


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