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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

ketep vulcano theatre, merapi mountain on show

go to the location Ketep, we can take trips from boyolali about 2 hours. from downtown to west direction. down the road is pretty good, the atmosphere of nature that are still beautiful forest and rice field splitting, with the cool air.or we can take a trip to Ketep from Magelang. from the city of salam to the east. trips are also taken for 2 hours.

Ketep reached the top, there is ample parking. after paying the entrance to the site, we can enjoy great scenery, clean air and the cold. from the top of this fitting we can enjoy views of Mount Merapi. we can also see the city boyolali from above, and a small town klaten.
in addition to attractive scenery, there is also a Ketep pas volcano movie theater featuring the history of Mount Merapi. duration of the movie about 30 minutes, we will be served Mount Merapi activity, lava and eruption history.


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