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musim liburan hampir tiba....siap lebih awal

Sunday, June 26, 2011

senja di pantai losari makassar

Losari is a beach located west of the city of Makassar. The beach is a place for residents of Makassar to spend time in the morning, afternoon and evening enjoying the sunsets are very beautiful.

Formerly, this beach is known as the center of seafood and grilled fish at night (because the sellers and traders operate only at night), and touted as the world's longest stall (because of stalls lined the beach tent whose length is less over one kilometer).

One of the typical snacks of Makassar, which surveyed the stalls that tent is a banana Epe (raw bananas are baked, then made flat, and brown sugar mixed with water. Best eaten while still warm).

Currently stalls offering seafood tent has been moved to a place in front of the home office the Mayor of Makassar, which also still be around Losari.

In the afternoon, everyone can enjoy the process or the moments of the sunset.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

ketep vulcano theatre, merapi mountain on show

go to the location Ketep, we can take trips from boyolali about 2 hours. from downtown to west direction. down the road is pretty good, the atmosphere of nature that are still beautiful forest and rice field splitting, with the cool air.or we can take a trip to Ketep from Magelang. from the city of salam to the east. trips are also taken for 2 hours.

Ketep reached the top, there is ample parking. after paying the entrance to the site, we can enjoy great scenery, clean air and the cold. from the top of this fitting we can enjoy views of Mount Merapi. we can also see the city boyolali from above, and a small town klaten.
in addition to attractive scenery, there is also a Ketep pas volcano movie theater featuring the history of Mount Merapi. duration of the movie about 30 minutes, we will be served Mount Merapi activity, lava and eruption history.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

kereta uap sondokoro, kenangan manisnya panen tebu tasikmadu

located in Karanganyar Surakarta, precisely at the sugar factory Tasikmadu. about 1 hour from the city toward tawangmangu solo. every day of the week, plant managers operate several steam train as the main attraction tourist sites here. other than a steam train with wood fuel, there are also several attractions, including swimming pool, 3-D theater, live music, sugarcane milling machine tools that made ​​the monument, also some homestay.

Friday, June 10, 2011

pemandian umbul harjo sidomukti; berenang di awan

dinginya udara pegunugan ungaran terasa menusuk sampe tulang, meski udara pagi ini cukup cerah, namun matahari belum sepenuhnya menampakkan diri ketika kami memasuki daerah umbulharjo, sidomukti kabupaten semarang. melewati jalan yang menanjak terjal, berkelok diaantara persawahan dan kadang melewati jalan sempit perkampungan, kami berjalan pelan. selain jalanan yang menanjak, dibeberapa tempat aspal sudah terkelupas dan sempit. 
setelah mendaki sekitar 2 jam dari pasar jimbaran, sampailah kami lokasi pemandian umbulharjo, yang berada di punggung gunung ungaran. pagi ini ternyata sudah banyak yang sampai dilokasi. mobil dan motor sudah memenuhi areal parkir yang cukup luas. 

Sunday, June 5, 2011

the old city of semarang, the little netherland

 gereja khatolik gedangan

 polder depan stasiun tawang

 gedung asuransi jiwa sraya

 gereja blenduk
More than 200 years old and used as "tetenger" (Landmark), the city of Semarang. Located at Jalan Let Jend. Suprapto no.32. Named Blenduk church because the top 2 towers and a large dome. The dome in the Java language means Blenduk. This building was founded in 1753, was used for church Nederlandsche Indische Kerk.

This building was repaired again in 1756, 1787, and 1794. In 1894 this building was overhauled as the situation now.

The architect of this development is the HPA de Wilde and WWESTMAS. The existence of this church played a big role against the development of Christianity in Semarang.

Based on its history, the city of Semarang has an area which is at about the 18th century became the center of trade. Region in the area now called Old Town. At that time, to secure the citizens and territory, the area was built fort, named for the fort VIJHOEK. To speed up the lines of communication between the third gate on the fort was then made ​​the roads of communication, with its main street is named: Heeren STRAAT. Currently named Jl. Let Jen Soeprapto. One of the existing location of the door of the castle today is Berok Bridge, called ZUIDER DE POR.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

roti unyil bogor teman perjalanan

meninggalkan kota bogor, setelah beberapa hari stay di kota hujan ini dengan begitu banyak kegiatan. menuju kota selanjutnya..pulkam kali ya..hehehe..
perjalanan yang akan ditempuh beberapa jam kedepan rasanya cukup melelahkan, namun saya sudah siap-siap dengan teman setia kali ini,ya...minuman segar plus makanan ringan. kali ini, yang akan menemai saya dalam perjalanan adalah roti unyil, ini jajanan dari bogor kota hujan...bentuknya kecil namanya juga  Roti Unyil atau lebih keren nya bisa disebut Venus roti . rasanya yumieeeee wuenaakkkk tenan. ada banyak  rasa...dari rasa keju, pisang keju, jagung, coklat keju sosis, pisang keju dan banyak lagi variasi rasanyaaa...harga cukuplah standart.
silahkan datang dan coba rasanya ditoko roti Venus  dekat mall ekalokasari jl.sukasari bogor. eit jangan salah sebut yah ROTI UNYIL n bukan unil ,hati hati karna banyak yg tidak asli lho hehehe...

....sambil sedikit ngantuk...jadi inget ama roti kecil yang ada disolo....xixi

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