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Thursday, October 28, 2010


not wrong if this archipelago bears the nickname "equatorial emerald" because its natural beauty bath interwoven strands of beautiful sparkling gems at the equator from west to east end. air travel in the travel more than five hours from jakarta paid off with a natural charm that is owned by the city of Jayapura, the capital of the easternmost province in Indonesia.Jayapura this beautiful city situated in the bay Jayapura.

before World War II, jayapura occupied by the Dutch government and given the name Hollandia. name Hollandia given by the captain Sache in 1910. Hollandia meaning of the name itself is a place or land that was the bay.and it is true when viewed from the top of the hill, this city is so beautiful landscape combined with the bay which is also a major port city of Jayapura.since the Dutch era, the city with the original name of this Numbay had several times changed the name of Hollandia changed his name to a new city, then Soekarnopura and finally Jayapura.

such as the hum of nature are so beautiful, brought every human being fascinated by it. located on the banks of the bay make it as a town beach and harbor.was behind them, humble ranks of mountains and high hills towering. when viewed from a height like a horseshoe with the two sides are in altitude.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Program XL BlackBerry Roaming

Belum lama ini,  XL sebagai provider terkemuka di Indonesia mengeluarkan program baru untuk para pengguna BB. Sekitar dua minggu yang lalu program   XL Blackberry gratis roaming    ini bergema.   XL bekerja sama dengan tujuh negara ASEAN dengan menggandeng provider di masing-masing negara : Jepang dengan Softbank-nya, Singapura dengan M1-nya, Malaysia dengan Celcom-nya, Kamboja dengan Hello-nya, Banglades dengan Robi-nya, Sri Lanka dengan Dialog-nya, Hongkong dengan SmarTone-nya.

Dengan tarif Rp.99.000,- perbulan, para pengguna BB sudah bisa menikmati layanan  XL  BB Roaming ini di negara-negara yang disebutkan tadi.

Untuk pengguna kartu  XL BlackBerry prabayar, pengguna dapat menikmati gratis internasional roaming selama 3 hari pertama untuk maksimal 3 kali kunjungan di negara-negara yang telah bekerja sama dengan XL, dalam jangka waktu satu bulan. Setelah itu, hari ke empat dan seterusnya, akan dikenakan kembali tarif normal roaming internasional.

Sedangkan untuk pengguna XL BlackBerry pasca bayar, program gratis XL BB Roaming adalah selama 9 hari pertama di negara-negara yang telah bekerja sama dengan XL, dalam jangka waktu satu bulan, dan untuk hari ke 10 dan seterusnya, akan dikenakan kembali tarif normal roaming internasional.

Inilah keunikan dari  XL. Selalu berupaya untuk memberikan yang terbaik bagi konsumennya di manapun berada. Dengan menggunakan XL BB Roaming, para pengguna tidak perlu lagi membayar biaya apapun untuk mengaktifkannya. Selain itu juga, XL selalu berupaya untuk memudahkan para penggunanya dengan program-program bermutu yang lebih cenderung menguntungkan konsumen.

Sebuah terobosan inovatif yang diluncurkan oleh XL, karena hanya XL lah satu-satunya provider yang meluncurkan program gratis roaming bagi para penggunanya yang akan dan sedang berada di luar negeri, yang termasuk di dalam daftar program bebas roaming internasional.

Suatu saat nanti, pasti bukan hanya negara-negara ASEAN saja yang digandeng oleh XL untuk bekerja sama demi kepuasan pelanggannya. Akan ada program XL BB Roaming untuk negara-negara Eropa, bahkan bisa saja program ini dilaksanakan dengan negara-negara di seluruh bumi ini. Tentu saja, semua dilakukan XL demi kepuasan para penggunanya, para pelanggannya yang setia.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


specktacular dances of the manggarai people of western flores.
as i watch, two bare chested manggarai men circle each other warily in the area. both wear bright head dress and horned helmets with beautiful flores ikat covering their lower bodies. one man  is armed with a wicked leather whip over a couple of metres long. the other man attempts to defend himself with a large buffalo hide shield and a curved stick. as drums pulse and gongs sound in the background, the crowd in on edge. bells attached to the combatants' waists nervously jingle as they square off. suddenly the arm of the man clutching the whip is flung back and flies forward as the leather whip crack over his opponent. this is caci - the whip dancing duel of western flores.

with many other participants looking on, each "round" of the duel involves the whip wielding warrior lashing out at his opponent who desperately attempts to protect himself with his shield and stick. wen the whip strikes bare flesh, the two exchange weapons and they continue with roles reserved. soon two other combatants step into the ring and the "dance" continues with many participants over several hours.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

hidden paradise, sempu island

Monday, October 4, 2010

lift the house, a real gotong royong

photo taken at the time of crossing the street and happened to be a group of residents who are moving home.

Friday, October 1, 2010

mie titi, healthy noodle filling

One type of other cuisine that should not be missed when you visit to Makassar is Mi Titi, mesh dry noodle dish that is very similar to China's cuisine at the restaurant - I Fumi, but Mi Titi has a characteristic that is interesting, these noodles are made from basic materials fried noodles dry, after which it is poured with vegetable dishes such as soups cap cay that there are various kinds of materials inside the meat, shrimp, squid, and not forget the vegetables, with egg-added deliciousness of this dish.
It was said that the center of the Mie Titi in the area of  Jl.Irian , A bowl of noodles in a large portion of Mie Titi Panakukang, Makassar valued Rp. 25 000 (large portion) and Rp 20,000 (small portions) the difference is only 5000, but pretty much different from the excess portion, the price that much taste not very significant when compared with the tempting taste.

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