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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Giant Anchor from kartini beach

One attraction which lures people to come to where it is anchored by a giant who is known as an anchor community Dampo Awang. It is said that the story, when Sam Khong Phoo sailing in the Java Sea in the framework of the expedition to the South, his ship in large waves lunge to severely damaged. Ship's anchor chain off and stranded in rembang, while the sails in the wind storm which fell on the beach Bonang now famous as a stone screen.

By considering the events subsequent Rembang perpetuate the anchor as a symbol of the spirit of maritime. In fact, the anchor who formerly was in the midst of Kartini's Beach in 2003 moved to a safe place. The anchor is now in the monument which is equipped with protective glass and lights are built on the waters edge of the beach, exactly 20 meters from the coastline.

Now, Kartini  Beach Recreation Park more beautiful shape. At the holidays lots of visitors who come to the place. Not only the citizens of  rembang, but from other regions such as Blora, Bojonegoro, Pati, Jepara, and also wanted to see the beauty of the nearby rembang Kartini Beach.


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