kumala island located in the middle mahakam river, with the wide 76 ha represent solidarity among traditional cultural and modern technology. this island is design to become recreation land arranged natty with solidarity of architechture of technology, traditional cultural and modern.
since year 2000 island of kumala develop to become tourism area. development of kumala island build step by step and expand. and continuously build additional for recreational facility to interest more visitor to come, specially for who bringing their family for weekend and enjoy all facility in exotic.
this island built to present culture of kalimantan with solidarity among kutai, dayak and java people. this fact can be seen with existence of traditional long house that called lamin, and also a temple called as the lounching gate of the island as one of religious place of hindu religion of kutai kartanegara, and also big statue of lembu swana residing in part tip of island looking towards to kutai kartanegara luxury bridge.
crossing the river to reach kumala island by longboat or traditional boat (ketingting/ces), the cost or expense is Rp. 2.500/passenger, and the lenght of time is about 10 minute, but for enthusiastic visitor, also can use cable car which located in tenggarong seberang to reach kumala island. this island is suitable for recreational place and playing ground for the family, specialy for children.
entrance fee for kumala island RP. 2.000/person. the facilities that available in this island , are :
- sky tower 75 meters high ticket fee adult Rp 7.500 , children Rp.5.000.
- mini train ticket fee adult Rp 5000 , children Rp. 2.500.
- merry go round ticket fee adult Rp 5000 , children Rp. 2.500.
- tour car ticket fee adult Rp 1000 , children Rp. 1000.
- cable car ticket fee adult Rp 7.500 , children Rp. 5.000.
- playing ground ticket fee adult Rp 5000 , children Rp. 2.500.
- trampoline ticket fee adult Rp 7.500 , children Rp. 5000.
this island also available with resort complete with swimming pool and cottage.