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musim liburan hampir tiba....siap lebih awal

Thursday, November 19, 2009

jalan kaliurang dimalam hari

jakal, so people jogjakarta call. is a street name in town that lies across jogjarta northern jogja.This road starts from the end jln c simanjuntak intersection located at kfc, Mirota campus and directly related to the roundabout boulevard ugm. straight to the north to arrive at the end point in the Kaliurang forest tourism. Kaliurang tourist forest is protected forest areas in the mountain area tidy. there you can meet with the legend of the mountain trim, Mbah Maridjan; guard of merapi mountain

jakals became very famous for UGM campus across the southern tip, middle and northern ringrut UII campus in the northern tip. jackal is a road that never sleeps, will be very solid at 7-8 hours 4-6 hours of morning and afternoon.

jogja public can call point positions along the jackal with the term "KM". for example, there are at Km 5.4, km 14, etc. through the Km 10 and so on, you will feel the cold air, especially through the night. because at that point the road was in a position to climb up. to go on tour Kaliurang forest, entering Km 20 you will be greeted with the usual fog enveloped in the evening until morning.

Kaliurang road at night. Poto taken in the early morning at 02.30 wib


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