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Friday, November 27, 2009

idhul adha celebrating in the town of Jogjakarta

This is done by the carnival jogja community to welcome the coming holidays idhul adha. in every corner of the city, in the alley of self- organized community events at night.carnival participants in general are school age children, elementary, junior high, high school and even some carnival participants who were still in the playgroup. Carnival participants decorated with a variety of uniforms, there are nuances Islamic, regional costumes to dress in costume themes that are the trend in TV. Example spongebob, dora, etc.

than with colored clothesl, too lively with the music, drums band parade, tambourine, Marawis etc..carnival participants walked around the area or region each - respectively. Sometimes the road was jammed because of the carnival participants to walk slowly. enthusiastic people watched the carnival along the road. Eve of the holiday in jogja idhul adha, a lively evening and religious.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

vagina's mountain

virgin mountain and called Buttu kabopong, located in the districts bordering Enrekang Tana Toraja. At this point the main axis road Tana Toraja - makassar have rest areas with stunning natural scenery. exotic landscapes and erotic in the mountains Buttu kabopong with the cool air.
to Tana Toraja, Makassar you will be treated to a beautiful natural scenery with the cool air.there are 3 main locations that need to stop off, is sitodon lewaja waterfalls, caves and mountain stone lady.
stone cave , located in the district baraka baraka, the cave recently discovered the local community.natural beauty of the cave is a natural stone and exotic, where the beauty of stalactites and sparkling stalakmit like gold, and in the cave there is a spacious room that one side is ill-chair throne of a very beautiful stone.
in a stone cave with a small river flowing clear water and very hygienic to be used if the conditions are forced at the time of the cave

Thursday, November 19, 2009

jalan kaliurang dimalam hari

jakal, so people jogjakarta call. is a street name in town that lies across jogjarta northern jogja.This road starts from the end jln c simanjuntak intersection located at kfc, Mirota campus and directly related to the roundabout boulevard ugm. straight to the north to arrive at the end point in the Kaliurang forest tourism. Kaliurang tourist forest is protected forest areas in the mountain area tidy. there you can meet with the legend of the mountain trim, Mbah Maridjan; guard of merapi mountain

jakals became very famous for UGM campus across the southern tip, middle and northern ringrut UII campus in the northern tip. jackal is a road that never sleeps, will be very solid at 7-8 hours 4-6 hours of morning and afternoon.

jogja public can call point positions along the jackal with the term "KM". for example, there are at Km 5.4, km 14, etc. through the Km 10 and so on, you will feel the cold air, especially through the night. because at that point the road was in a position to climb up. to go on tour Kaliurang forest, entering Km 20 you will be greeted with the usual fog enveloped in the evening until morning.

Kaliurang road at night. Poto taken in the early morning at 02.30 wib

Sunday, November 15, 2009

peserta Piala Dunia 2010

1. Jepang
2. Australia
3. Korea Selatan
4. Korea Utara
1. Afrika Selatan
2. Ghana
3. Pantai Gading
4. Nigeria
5. Kamerun
6. Aljazair
1. Belanda
2. Inggris
3. Jerman
4. Denmark
5. Serbia
6. Italia
7. Spanyol
8. Slovakia
9. Prancis
10. Portugal
11. Slovenia
12. Yunani
13. Swiss
Amerika Selatan:
1. Paraguay
2. Chili
3. Argentina
4. Brasil
5. Uruguay
Amerika Utara:
1. Meksiko
2. Amerika Serikat
3. Honduras
1. Selandia Baru

jabulani , nama bola resmi yang dipakaidi piala dunia 2010 di afrika selatan (afsel). jabulani memiliki 11 corak warna yang melambangkan 11 bahasa dan sebelas kominitas di afsel. jumlah itu juga mengacu pada jumlah pemain dalam satu tim sepak bola.

nama jabulani diambil dari bahasa Zulu, salah satu bahasa yang digunakan sekitar 25 % warga dia fsel. arti jabulani adalah perayaan. jadi bola itu diharapkan membuat piala dunia edisi-19 nanti lebih meriah daripada sebelumnya.

jabulani dibuat oleh adidas, perusahaan apparel dari jerman. diklaim sebagai bola paling bulat yang pernah dibuat dimuka bumi. terdapat delapan panel 3 dimensi ( 3D).jabulani dibuat denganteknologi grip 'groove. yakni, membuat bola lebih stabil di udara, akurat, dan mudah dikontrol di berbagai kondisi lapangan.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Rute trayek bis Trans Jogja
Trayek 1A : Terminal Prambanan – Bandara Adisucipto – Stasiun Tugu – Malioboro – JEC
Terminal Prambanan – S5. Kalasan – Bandara Adisucipto – S3. Maguwoharjo – Janti (bawah) – S3. UIN Kalijaga – S4. Demangan – S4. Gramedia – S4. Tugu – Stasiun Tugu – Malioboro – S4. Kantor Pos Besar – S4. Gondomanan – S4. Pasar Sentul – S4. SGM – Gembira Loka – S4. Babadan Gedongkuning – JEC – S4. Blok O – Janti (atas) – S3. Maguwoharjo – Bandara Adisucipto – S5. Kalasan – Terminal Prambanan.

Trayek 1B : Terminal Prambanan – Bandara Adisucipto – JEC – Kantor Pos Besar – Pingit – UGM
Terminal Prambanan – S5. Kalasan – Bandara Adisucipto – S3. Maguwoharjo – Janti (lewat bawah) – S4. Blok O – JEC – S4. Babadan Gedongkuning – Gembira Loka – S4. SGM – S4. Pasar Sentul – S4. Gondomanan – S4. Kantor Pos Besar – S3. RS.PKU Muhammadiyah – S3. Pasar Kembang – S4. Badran – Bundaran SAMSAT – S4. Pingit – S4. Tugu – S4. Gramedia – Bundaran UGM – S3. Colombo – S4. Demangan – S3. UIN Sunan Kalijaga – Janti – S3. Maguwoharjo – Bandra Adisucipto – S5. Kalasan – Terminal Prambanan.

Trayek 2A : Terminal Jombor – Malioboro – Basen – Kridosono – UGM – Terminal Condong Catur
Terminal Jombor – S4. Monjali – S4. Tugu – Stasiun Tugu – Malioboro – S4. Kantor Pos Besar – S4. Gondomanan – S4. Jokteng Wetan – S4. Tungkak – S4. Gambiran – S3 . Basen – S4. Rejowinangun – S4. Babadan Gedongkuning – Gembira Loka – S4. SGM – S3. Cendana – S4. Mandala Krida – S4. Gayam – Flyover Lempuyangan – Kridosono – S4. Duta Wacana – S4. Galeria – S4. Gramedia – Bunderan UGM – S3. Colombo – Terminal Condongcatur – S4. Kentungan – S4. Monjali – Terminal Jombor.

Trayek 2B : Terminal Jombor – Termina Condongcatur – UGM – Kridosono – Basen – Kantor Pos Besar – Wirobrajan – Pingit
Terminal Jombor – S4. Monjali – S4. Kentungan – Terminal Condong Catur – S3. Colombo – Bundaran UGM – S4. Gramedia – Kridosono – S4. Duta Wacana – Fly-over Lempuyangan – S4. Gayam – S4. Mandala Krida – S3. Cendana – S4. SGM – Gembiraloka– S4. Babadan Gedongkuning – S4. Rejowinangun – S3. Basen – S4.Tungkak – S4. Joktengwetan – S4. Gondomanan – S4. Kantor Pos Besar – S3. RS PKU Muhammadiyah – S4. Ngabean – S4. Wirobrajan – S3. BPK – S4. Badran – Bundaran SAMSAT – S4. Pingit – S4. Tugu – S4. Monjali – Terminal Jombor.

Trayek 3A : Terminal Giwangan – Kotagede – Bandara Adisucipto – Ringroad Utara – MM UGM – Pingit – Malioboro – Jokteng Kulon
Terminal Giwangan – S4. Tegalgendu – S3. HS-Silver – Jl. Nyi Pembayun – S3. Pegadaian Kotagede – S3. Basen – S4. Rejowinangun – S4. Babadan Gedongkuning – JEC – S4. Blok O – Janti (lewat atas) – S3. Janti – S3. Maguwoharjo – Bandara ADISUCIPTO – S3. Maguwoharjo – Ringroad Utara – Terminal Condongcatur – S4. Kentungan – S4. MM UGM – S4. MirotaKampus – S3. Gondolayu – S4. Tugu – S4. Pingit – Bundaran SAMSAT – S4. Badran – S3. PasarKembang – Stasiun TUGU – Malioboro – S4. Kantor Pos Besar – S3. RS PKU Muhammadiyah – S4. Ngabean – S4. Jokteng Kulon – S4. Plengkung Gading – S4. Jokteng Wetan – S4. Tungkak – S4.Wirosaban – S4. Tegalgendu – Terminal Giwangan.

Trayek 3B : Terminal Giwangan – Jokteng Kulon – Pingit – MM UGM – Ring Road Utara – Bandara Adisuciptp – Kotagede
Terminal Giwangan – S4. Tegalgendu – S4. Wirosaban – S4. Tungkak – S4.Jokteng Wetan – S4. Plengkung Gading – S4. JoktengKulon – S4. Ngabean – S3. RS PKU Muhammadiyah – S3. Pasar Kembang – S4. Badran – Bundaran SAMSAT – S4. Pingit – S4. Tugu – S3. Gondolayu – S4. Mirota Kampus – S4. MM UGM – S4. Kentungan – Terminal Condong Catur – Ringroad Utara – S3. Maguwoharjo – Bandara Adisucipto – S3. Maguwoharjo – JANTI (lewat bawah) – S4. Blok O – JEC – S4. Babadan Gedongkuning – S4. Rejowinangun – S3. Basen – S3. Pegadaian Kotagede – Jl.Nyi Pembayun – S3. HS-Silver – S4. Tegalgendu – Terminal Giwangan.

jalur angkutan perkotaan
2 Term. Giwangan - Pramuka - M. Supeno - Sugiyono - Sisingamangaraja - RR. Selatan - Jl. Parangtritis - Katamso - Suryotomo - Abu Bakar Ali - Suroto - Cik Ditiro - Lingkar UGM

3 Term. Giwangan - RR Selatan - Sisingamangaraja - Sugiyono - Tamansiswa - Gayam - Kenari - Tut Harsono - Adisucipto - Gejayan - RR. Utara - Jl. Kaliurang - Lingkar UGM

4 Term. Giwangan-RR Selatan-Ngangkruk- Gd. Kuning-Kusumanegara- Suryotomo-Suroto - Lingkar UGM-C. Simanjuntak-Sudirman - Mangkubumi - Malioboro - Senopati- Kusumanegara - Gd. Kuning - RR Selatan - Term. Giwangan

5 Term. Giwangan-Pramuka-Jokteng Wetan - Jl. Parangtritis - Mangkuyudan- Panjaitan-MT. Haryono - Wahid Hasyim - Bhayangkara-Tentara Pelajar - Jl. Magelang-Jombor - RR. Utara - Lingkar UGM

6 Term. Giwangan - Gambiran - Veteran - Kusumanegara - Hayam Wuruk - Yos Sudarso - Wahidin - Yohanes - Lingkar UGM

7 Term. Giwangan - Tegalgendu - Pembayun - Kemasan - Ngeksigondo - Gambiran - Veteran - Janti Gd. Kuning - Janti - Adisucipto - Gejayan - RR. Utara - Lingkar UGM

8 Term. Giwangan-Pramuka-P. Kemerdekaan-Veteran-Ki Penjawi-Rejowinangun- Janti-Janti Gd. Kuning-Janti-Adisucipto-Urip Sumoharjo-Sudirman-Diponegoro- Kyai Mojo -Demak Ijo-RR Barat-Gamping - Sidoarum-Jl. Godean-Diponegoro- Sudirman-Cik Ditiro -Terban-Colombo-Gejayan-Adisucipto-Janti-Gd. Kuning - Rejowinangun - Ki Penjawi- Gambiran - Imogiri - Term. Giwangan

9 Term. Giwangan-Pramuka-Ngeksigondo-Gd. Kuning-Kusumanegara-Tamansiswa- Jokteng Wetan-Katamso-Senopati-KHA Dahlan - Wahid Hasyim - Patangpuluhan- IKIP PGRI-Jl. Wates-RR Selatan-Bugisan-S. Parman - KHA Dahlan-Jokteng Wetan - Tamansiswa - Suryopranoto - Mangunsarkoro - Kusumanegara - Gd. Kuning - Ngeksigondo-Pramuka - Term. Giwangan

10 Term. Giwangan-RR Selatan-Rejowinangun-Kebun Raya-SGM-Aipda Tut Harsono- Kenari-Bausasran-Mataram - Abu Bakar Ali-Atmo Sukarto - Kusbini - Langensari-Munggur-Adisucipto-Kledokan-Babarsari-RR Timur-Term. Condong Catur-RR. Timur-Babarsari-Kledokan-Adisucipto - Urip Sumoharjo-Suroto- Mataram - Hayam Wuruk-Bausasran - Kenari - Veteran - Gambiran - Term. Giwangan - Pembayun -Tegalgendu - Tegalturi - Menukan - Jl. Parangtritis - RR. Selatan - Jokteng Kulon- S. Parman-Patangpuluhan-RE. Martadinata-Suprapto- Jlagran Lor-Ps. Kembang-Malioboro-KH Dahlan-RE. Martadinata-Patangpuluhan- Bugisan - RR Selatan-Jl. Parangtritis - Menukan-Tegalturi - Term. Giwangan

12 Term. Giwangan-Pramuka-Pandean-Glagahsari-Kusumanegara

11 Term. Giwangan-RR Selatan-Rejowinangun-Gd. Kuning-Kemasan -Sultan Agung- KHA Dahlan-Cokroaminoto-Tentara Pelajar-Borobudur Plaza-Monginsidi-Lingkar UGM-Monginsidi-Borobudur Plaza-Tentara Pelajar-Cokroaminoto-KHA Dahlan- Sultan Agung-Suryupranoto-Mangunsarkoro-Kusumanegara-Glagahsari-Veteran- Pramuka-Term.Giwangan
15 Term. Giwangan-RR Selatan - Jl. Parangtritis - Mangkuyudan-Gading-Jokteng Timur - Katamso - Ibu Ruswo-KHA Dahlan - Jl. Wates - Ps. Gamping - Sidoarum- Jl. Godean-Pingit- Monginsidi - Jetis - Lingkar UGM
16 Term. Giwangan-Tegalturi-Sisingamangaraja-Menukan-Jl. Parangtritis - Katamso- Suryotomo-Shopping-Senopati-Sultan Agung - Suryopranoto - Sukonandi - Kusumanegara-Cendana - Kenari - Tut Hrsono - Adisucipto - Gejayan - Term. Concat

17 Term. Concat-Gejayan-Colombo-Yohanes-Sudirman-Tugu-Jetis-Borobudur Plaza- Pingit-Samsat-Suprapto-Wirobrajan-Tendean-S. Parman -Jokteng Kulon-Jokteng
Wetan-Tamansiswa-Suryopranoto-Mangunsarkoro-Kusumanegara-Veteran-P. Kemerdekaan-Pramuka-Term. Giwangan - Pramuka - Veteran - Kusumanegara - Tamansiswa-Jokteng Wetan - Jokteng Kulon - S. Parman - Wirobrajan - Bhayangkara - Pingit - borobudur Plaza - Jetis - Tugu - C. Simanjuntak - Terban - Colombo - Gejayan - Term. Concat

19 Term. Jombor - RR. Barat - Jl. Godean - Kyai Mojo - Tugu - P. Mangkubumi - Malioboro - KHA Dahlan - Wirobrajan - HOS Cokroaminoto - Jl. Godean - RR. Barat - Term. Jombor

istilah ngetren di jogja: concat=condong catur.
jokteng= pojok beteng
jakal=jalan kaliurang
RR= ringrut ( ring road)
Gd= gedong
term= terminal
UGM= univ. gajah mada
paris = parang tritis

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Welcoming the age of 402 years (09 November 2009), Makassar City is still fairly young when compared to historical distant Makassar name into the past. But did you know origin and meaning of high values of Makassar's name? Three days in a row to His Majesty the King of Tallo-VI Mangkubumi Kingdom of Gowa, I Mannyonri Karaeng Mallingkaang Daeng who concurrently Katangka ri Gowa Tuma'bicara Butta (born 1573), dreams of seeing the light that shines comes from Tallo. Beautiful sheen of light that radiates throughout Butta Gowa and to other friendly countries.

Along the third night, the Friday night date Rabi'ul 9 H 1014 or the date of 22 September 1605 M. (Darwa rasyid MS., Events Historic Years of South Sulawesi from the XIV century s / d XIX, hal.36), on the shoreline Tallo a small boat dock. The screen is made of a turban, flying fast.Male figure appears to anchor the boat and doing strange movements. The man turned out to pray. The light emitted from the body that makes Ielaki appalling spectacle Tallo residents, who instantly busy to talk to the king's ear Karaeng Katangka. In the early morning, the King rushed to the beach. But suddenly the man had appeared 'blocking' in the palace gates. White robe with a green turban. His face was calm. Her whole body glowed.
He was shaking hands with His Majesty the King who was stiff because of astonishment. He took his hand and then write a sentence in the palm of the hand Baginda "Show this text at the moment he came close in shore," he ordered and then just disappeared. Baginda was shocked. He felt around his eyes to make sure he was not dreaming. Saw palm his hand writing was clear there. Katangka Karaeng Baginda and hurried to the beach. Sure enough, a man looks middle moor the boat, and greeted his arrival.
Long story short, the king related his experience was and show the writing on the palm of his hand on him. "Blessed King. This paper is a two-sentence confession of faith, "he said. The man who wrote it is the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Blessings of Allaah be Wassallam own.Baginda Nabi has appeared in The King.
This event is believed to be traces the history of the origin of the name "Makassar", which is derived from the name "Akkasaraki Nabbiya", meaning the Prophet appeared. The man who landed on the beach Tallo is Abdul Khatib Single Ma'mur known as Dato 'ri wave, originating from Central City (Minangkabau, West Sumatra). His Majesty the King of Tallo I Mallingkaang Daeng Manyonri Karaeng Katangka after embracing Islam and the title of Sultan Abdullah Islam Awawul Awaluddin Tumenanga Karaeng Tallo Agamana ri. He was the first king who converted to Islam on the plains of South Sulawesi.
Furthermore, walkthrough origin of the name "Makassar" can be viewed from several aspects, namely:
1. Meaning. To be a perfect human need "Ampakasaraki", which embody (menjasmanikan) what is contained in the inner is realized by deeds. "Mangkasarak" manifests itself as a perfect human being by teaching TAO or TAU (the science of inner conviction). Not like some people understood that "Mangkasarak" rude people easily offended. Actually, people who are easily offended the delicate feelings of people.
2. History. Portuguese sources at the beginning of the 16th century has recorded the name "Makassar". Century 16 "Makassar" has become the capital of the kingdom of Gowa. And in the same century, the capital of Makassar as well known by foreign nations. Even in his poems written by 14 Nagarakertagama Prapanca (1365) has listed the name of Makassar.
3. Language. In terms of etymology (Ngewa Daeng, 1972:1-2), Makassar comes dati word "Mangkasarak" which consists of two morphemes tie "does" and the free morpheme "kasarak".Morpheme tie "does" means: a). Properties such as contained in the basic words. b). Become or transform themselves as stated by the foundation. Free morpheme "kasarak" contains (meaning: a). Bright, clear, clear, firm. b). It appears from the explanation. c). Large (small or subtle opponent).
So, the word "Mangkasarak" Containing the sense of properties (noble) and honesty (Honesty).As a name, someone who has the nature or character "Mangkasarak" means the person is great (noble), honesty (honest). As the lips as well as in the liver.
John A.F. Schut in the book "De Volken van Nederlandsch Indie" the proceedings vol: De Makassaren en Boegineezen, stated: "Angkuh like the mountains, majestic like a natural, the river on the river, distant regions of high flow speed, fierce unconquerable, especially during the rainy season; water-boiling waterfalls spill, lather, passionate, often burning up the anger that did not look at anything and anyone. But as well as rivers, mountains nan increasingly fierce he ended quietly approached the shore. So also the Bugis people and Makassar, the serenity to accept what is good and beautiful ".
In the phrase "Akkana Mangkasarak", meaning to say frankly, even bitter, with courage and sense of responsibility. With the word "Mangkasarak" is it can be known that if he was treated well, he's better. When treated with a smooth, he is more subtle, and if he respected, he will be more respectful.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

bandar udara sultan hasanuddin makassar,air port

kalo kamu datang di makassar..kamu kudu datengi tempat-tempat ini...
kamu harus ke trans studio,, secara dah di makassar gituuloh..
kalian harus wisata kuliner.. karena disini terkenal ma makanannya seafood n cemilan yg enak2
kalian harus ngerasain berenang or diving di pulau terdekat,, bisa di kayangan, samalona.
kalian harus kenal kehidupan malam makassar,, tempat makan pisang epe,, kongkow anak muda seperti balezza, soho,, n tempat dugem di makassar yang tidak kalah dgn jakarta..
pokoknya banyak dehhh.

itu belum terhitung objek wisata .. seperti bantimurung, malino, tanjung bunga,benteng ujung pandang, benteng sombaopu.. dlll...

soal makanan...., coto yg paling enak itu coto nusantara,,, trus pisang ijo bravo,, bakso atiraja, trus mie kering anto,, trus seafood koang... ,,tempat2 ngak mahal tapi enak..trus kamu tuh harus ngerasain suasana romatis di pantai gapura, diteras belakang saat bulan purnama,,, wuiiihhhh,,, romantis banget...

manisnya pisang epe..

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