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Monday, October 26, 2009

karebosi link

Shopping places that received an award from MURI (Indonesian Record Museum) as an underground shopping (underground mall) the first and the largest in Indonesia. This shopping center location just below the field Karebosi, the town square that became the pride of citizens makassar.
in the history of the square as an arena Karebosi harvest party in the era of king Tallo. Now functioned as a sports arena with a few facilities that can be used free of charge by residents makassar.
on 2.9 hectares of land around it, there is a soccer field, softball, futsal, jogging track, and Mushalla. extensive stands can be used as a place of ceremony and practice lovers skateboard and roller skates. helipad complement the modern design of the Karebosi link.
shopping center with a mix of public facility that became the new landmark of the city makassar world no longer the most modern and newest of the city makassar, trans studio.
the largest indoor theme park in the world than disneyland. there are 21 rides, like the other world, the BOLANG, cruise, magic thunder coaster, swinging waves, winds pick, and many more luxury interesting and exciting.
Trans studio theme park located on the main road cape metro makassar flowers, about 2 km south-west or 3 minutes from the beach area Losari. theme park covering 2.7 hectares can be reached within 30 minutes of the most important centers makassar town, he is also close to public transportation terminal plan, and has opened 9 September 2009.

Monday, October 12, 2009

cheap hotel in semarang

Bandungan; resort located mountains Ungaran sumowono semarang district. to this location from semarang about 1.5 hours travel by private car or public vehicle. The cool air will immediately enter the area was so Bandungan.

The main area of this tour is a traditional market selling fresh fruits results from gardens around the location. There are also ornamental plants sold flowers lined along the street. entering this area on a very solid holiday season for visitor is the meaning purpose of the are around semarang tourists

weekend in Bandungan with tourist facilities are complete. homestay cheap hotels, cheap hotel accommodation, guesthouse, villa with a beautiful landscape with varying prices. began Rp 35,000 is complete with TV, etc. welcome drink. food business does not need to worry, 24-hour restaurants and shops scattered around many locations. or if you want to just enjoy roasted corn malam2 your cold air amid stepped around the streets stay ahead market. morning, when the day week, you can enjoy a menu mainstay Bandungan: full of soy milk with tofu and tempeh fried matching. sold along the road bandungan the region. 

if not a full stomach, you want to enjoy barbecued fish, stayed to blater area. an area or village that has turned into a fishing village. because all the residents open fishing effort. all freshwater fish species can be selected with a relatively cheap price.

Friday, October 9, 2009

love hills, Ungarans wamps dizzy

Sightseeing locations in the district semarang, Ungaran city is located in the village Banyubiru ambarawa.leading to the location can be taken through the coffee plantations around tuntang Banaran near the Bawen’s terminal. if from the direction of the city jogjakarta to ambarawa turn right direction toward tingkir salatiga.hill love is a small hill covered with dense pine trees. marsh located right lane swimming, mountain Ungaran legs.

tourist attraction in the city famous Ungaran, but still quiet visitors, it is probably because the first place is not arranged nicely, but look at last condition, seems to love the primp hill. Area around the entrance has been widened, but first to go to this location is not easy, but narrow between houses, there is no sign of a guide. but now it is different, the shop - the shop neat and clean, typical food vendors lined diareal to juiga location. also been equipped with a hall aquarium with a variety of ornamental fish species.
typical food dizziness or marsh areas around the hill where this love is Wader fried. can be enjoyed immediately with rice pecel stalls - stalls are there, or it could be as souvenirs, but not only fried Wader available, there gurami, all fried shrimp with special seasoning. other than culinary, could also hire a boat at a price of about 30 thousand. boats for rent most of the surrounding property that is used to find fish or leased in the swamp angler reel.

pening own swamp save a well-known legend: new joko klinthing; with his Sodo lanang ...... told, a child who suffered from severe skin disease, diolek village disuatu fun by all the one wants to be friends with him. 

There is only one old woman who would love him, give him food joko klinthing ..... then instructed, if there is water overflow, immediately seek the highest places. without explaining what the meaning of the message at one time, new joko klinthing contest held power struggle. 

He stuck a stick; Sodo lanang; into the ground, and he challenged all the villagers to withdraw it, everyone will underestimate but there was no one can pull out.

after all people give up, then remove sticks klinthing joko and munculah water from the land, long more and more until the whole village tesebut Drown except the woman who had given him to eat (like lapindo times may well ....). joko klinthing then turned into a snake-headed rowo keep ......

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

goa kreo,semarang

goa kreo merupakan obyek wisata alam yang terletak dikecamatan gunungpati desa kandri. untuk menuju lokasi goa kreo bisa ditempuh dari kota semarang sekitar 45 menit dari bundaran kalibanteng kearah gunungpati.

tempat wisata alam ini sedang mempercantik diri dengan fasilitas yang lengkap,mulai dari jalan yang mulus beraspal sampai dipintu gerbang,kemudian jalan beton sampai menuju air terjun yang terletak diujung utara kawasan goa kreo ini. terdapat pula warung jajan yang tertata rapi menyediakan makanan dan minuman. dipelataran dekat pintu masuk,terdapat panggung hiburan yang digunakan untuk pentas musik dangdut pada acara-acara tertentu dimusim liburan.

goa kreo merupakan obyek wisata alam dengan panorama pegunungan yang masih asri. goa kreo sedniri terletak dipunggung sebuah bukit cadas yang terjal dengan kemiringan yang ekstrim. dikawasan ini masih banyak dihuni kera. kera-kera tersebut banyak bergelantungan dipohon yang rimbun disekitar goa dan berkeliaran disepanjang jalan setapak yang mengelilingi areal lokasi goa kreo.

goa kreo sendiri menyimpan cerita atau legenda yang dipercaya oleh masyarakat sekitar. kawasan wisata goa kreo, dipercaya oleh masyarakat sekitar sebagai goa peninggalan Sunan Kalijaga, salah satu wali yang menyebarkan agama islam di jawa sekitar medio 1437. di kawasan hutan goa inilah, sunan kalijaga memperoleh batang kayu jati yang akan digunakan untuk bahan pembuatan tiang atau soko guru masjid Agung demak, Jawa Tengah.

Dikisahkan, pada saat pembangunan masjid agung demak, sunan kalijaga mencari pohon jati yang akan digunakan sebagai tiang atau soko guru masjid agung. ketika itu pohon yang sudah ditebang akan dibawa kedamak dengan dibantu oleh pasukan "alam gaib", yang bisa membantu sunan kalijaga sampai terbit matahari.

ketika pasukan itu sedang bekerja, membawa pohon jati tersebut, ada orang-orang disekitar kawasan yang membunyikan kothekan dengan lesung,maka dikira sudah pagi oleh pasukan gaib sunan kalijaga sehingga pasukan gaib sunan tidak melanjutkan membantu membawa pohon jati tersebut.
sunan marah dengan kesal menyebut orang-orang yang ramai kothekan tadi dengan kata-kata'wong sedeng' atau diartikan 'orang gila',maka daerah disekitar itu sekarang disebut desa sadeng dan orang-orang itu berubah menjadi kera.

konon pohon jati bakal tiang masjid agung demak yang tidak jadi dibawa oleh pasukan gaib sunan kalijaga masih terdapat didasar sungai di jurang goa kreo. tiang atau soko guru masjid agung demak sendiri, yang menjadi tanggung jawab sunan kalijaga untuk menyediakannnya, karena tidak mendapatkan pohon jati,maka dibuat dari 'tatal' atau potongan-potongan kecil kayu yang disatukan menjadi sebuah tiang/soko guru.

disebelah utara bukit, diatas air terjun terdapat segerombol pohonbambu yang disebut bambu sate, konon diceritakan itu adalah tusuk sate kanjeng sunan kalijaga yang dibuang disitu.
menikmati kawasan goa kreo, penting untuk disiapkan fisik yang prima..waduh.....soalnya areal perbukitan yang curam dengan jalan setapak naik turun memerlukan stamina yang cukup tangguh. mengelilingi kawasan ini meski tidak terlalu luas, cukup menguras energi. untuk sampai di mulut goa, bisa ngos-ngosan kayak dipeluk jupe...halah.......

tepat dimulut goa sudah dibangun pelataran yang cukup luas diatas jurang yang sangat curam,sehingga berada dipelataran mulut goa menjadi sensai tersendiri.
goa kreo menjanjikan sebuah petualangan tersendiri dengan panorama alam yang sangat menarik.

Monday, October 5, 2009

museum ambarawa; railway mountain tour

it takes only ONE HOUR but the memory of :
your RAILWAY MOUNTAIN TOUR will last forever

ambarawa railway museum store large collection of ancient objects really. paraphernalia that was used as the completeness operasianal a well maintained station. in the neat showroom traffic control equipment train. whereas in the museum courtyard there are many steam train locomotive with a variety of types. each cab is equipped with an explanation for it from the manufacturer's specifications

steam locomotives once used as a means of transport ambarawa Dutch soldiers to magelang, until the independence era of steam trains still operated as a public transportation used to transport civilians, mostly used by traders to magelang until the year 1976, had stopped a total of not operated until 1986, until then revived as a tourist railway station with direct routes ambarawa; museum Bedono-up station.

this is done in addition to tourism to revive the passion for railways are also railroads are not lost or damage, given the path that had never existed until now magelang has been used as homes or damaged and closed by roads....

Steam train with teak wood fuel is used as a tourist train station with direct routes to the station Bedono ambarawa. taken approximately 1.5 hours from station to station Bedono ambarawa, with winding roads and slopes, so that this steam train using a serrated wheel.
Ambawara railway museum has a collection of steam cab 2 is still operated with a series of carriage 2. a series of cars with 2 cars used to serve the travel capacity of 40 people per carriage.1 car while another is a special car used by the president's first ri, is still well. on the steam train holiday season is just the ticket Rp. 50,000 per person or you can hire a certain price for your group is able to enjoy the nostalgic trip time of the Holland ,......

tourist trains with steam locomotives with a jagged line

Ambarawa Railway Museum is a railway station now converted into a museum in Ambarawa, Central Java, which has a complete train had triumphed in his day.

one of the steam railway locomotive number B 2502 and B 2503 esslingen maschinenfabriek made until now still can run the activity as a tourism railway. jagged steam train is unique and is one of three remaining in the world. two of them were in switzerland and india. in addition to the unique collections had, still can be seen various type of steam locomotives of the series B, C, D to type the greatest CC ( CC 5029, schweizsche lokomotiv und maschinenfabrik) in the museum yard.

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