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musim liburan hampir tiba....siap lebih awal

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

typical barn house lombok island

bam .. a typical traditional building construction backpacking ..., if the java functions as a store of rice and agricultural products. but this one, many collected by a diner and functioned as a "gazebo" for eating.


SEE ILK ONLY said...

ni yg bener...nyimpan padinya diatas..dmasak..trs mkannya dibawah..jd ga perlu jauh2 pergi kepasar dl nyari beras km mau makan..naik aja ke atas buka lumbung padinya..trs tumbuk seperlunya..jd dech mkan2nya di bawah..heheeh, bagus bgt tu tempatnya,sgt unik dan kelihatan sgt kokoh..

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