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musim liburan hampir tiba....siap lebih awal

Monday, May 30, 2011

ayam ketawa asli sidrap sulawesi selatan

At first glance there is nothing special with this chicken. The shape, color, and size similar to chicken in general. However, who would have thought chicken could be a unique sound like people laughing.
That's why it's called chicken laughing. Chicken is a chicken laughter coming from the District Sidenreng Rappang (Sidrap), South Sulawesi, about 184 kilometers from Makassar.
From the region of origin, the chicken is called chicken manugaga. Manu means chicken and gaga means chicken stutter or stammer.
In addition to laugh, this chicken can also make a sound like a dangdut song, slow rock, even rock. According to the Bugis community trust, this chicken can also bring good luck.
So no wonder, if the selling price of chicken laugh  is very expensive  until tens of millions of rupiah. Today many who hunt chickens kept laughing to himself or sold again.
in this video is chicken laughing a collection of  mr. Baharudin who lived in the town of Tarakan East Kalimantan. (081253813xxx).

Thursday, May 5, 2011

surabi durian atau keju, tetep mak yuzz

 diantara banyak variasi jajanan tradisional, surabi termasuk yang paling banyak jenisnya. bahakan disetiap daerah punya ciri khas masing-masing. serabi solo, serabi semarang, surabi bandung dll. dari berbagai jenis jajanan khas daerah itu, rasanya pun sudah sangat bervariasi, mulai dari rasa klasik atau original hingga yang modifikasi. jalan-jalan kita kali ini, ketemu sama yang namanya surabi. ya surabi durian. dari namanya aja sudah jelas, kalo surabi yang satu ini asli khas bandung dengan rasa durian.......

kalo yang satu ini, surabi keju. makanan khas bandung harga 8rb an, rasanya juga ga kalah wueak ama surabi durian+keju. klo surabi durian+keju harga 11rb dan rasanya bener2 mantaabbb n mak nyozzzz rasane,silahkan coba n datang ke bandung di jl sulanjana sebrang radio hardrock FM. Disitu juga ada bubur ayam mang oyo n terkenal wuenak juga lho hehehe.....cukup dgn 13rb aja

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

phoenix food from mataram

dodol nagka or Dodoo Jackfruit is a family healthy food, made from a combination of options that are still fresh jackfruit with seaweed. Processed in a modern and hygienic.

Dodoo Jackfruit and contain high nutritional value, fiber, vitamin C, and low cholesterol. In addition to fresh tastes good and is also an excellent food for the body and can be used as a souvenir or gift.

Jln. AA.Gede Ngurah - Inbound
83,000 Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara

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