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Sunday, February 28, 2010

cihampelas point , factory outlet in bandung



shopping atmosphere has begun to shift a lot. attract customers not just provide a comfortable atmosphere, cheap prices, good quality but with display a something typical  . 

as practiced by one of the factory outlet in bandung, besides serving as most of FOs, this shop present zoo  in the store. zoo contains rare animals.  including sumatera tigers , komodo dragons, four-horned goat. python, anoa, four-legged chicken, etc.  

with an interesting spatial planning, in addition to convenient shopping visitors, can also see various rare animals. existence of this own zoo its adds charm among the number of FOs in the Cihampelas street.



bandung as the capital of west Java is a complete city. starting from the historical city of Indonesia's independence struggle, many stores monumental buildings. city tour with a cool nature, known as paris van java, or also city of flowers

bandung well as the city's shopping is very famous as the center aoutlet and shoe factory. aoutlet factory lots scattered throughout the city bandung. shopping centers in the factory outlets along the road there Cihampelas. (or dago?) 


Saturday, February 27, 2010

gerebeg maulud yogyakarta

maulud grebeg carnival traditional ngayogyakarta sultanate palace held back to conicide with the commemoration of birthday of prophet Muhammad, friday  26/2/2010. in dal java year 12  maulud falls on friday kliwon, frebruayi 26, 1943 to commemorate the birth of  prophet Muhammmad.when the even is held, many people watched the procession which was held in the north alun-alun are to the great mosque kauman, yogyakarta.

mound that contains vegetables, grains and various agricultural produce that is a sign of generosity king sultan hamengkubuwono X to the public. a total of 7 piece mountains are: 2 pieces lanang mountains, a mountain wadon,gepak, land, pawuhan and bromo. mound of the most special is mount bromo is issued only once every 8 years. one mountain lanang dedicated to pakualaman palace yogyakarta.

the procession out of the 7 mountain to the palace performance ponconiti ward led as the sultans brother, manggalayudha soldier, GBPH Yudhaningrat. participate this procession escorting the two brigades of soldiers puro pakualaman, plangkir and lombok abang soldier. and seven mountains was escorted directly surokarso bugis warrior.

when mountains outside from the palace, 8 soldier immediately paid tribute to the volley shot 2 time. next to the heavil guarded from poltabes yogyakarta, yogyakarta satpol PP, kodim 0734 yogyakarta, and the army navy marine corp brougth mountain to the mosque.

after the seventh mountain was reached in the courtyard of the mosque, along with all soldiers yudhaningrat remains guarded. in large mosque, mountains requested prayer mosque preacher KRT H. Kamaludiningrat.
as prayed for, the security forces keep tight so not looted mound first. after prayed, mound bromo with escort brought back to the palace. five mountains sold directly were taken residents who want to get a blessing and have it. less than five minute, five mound where sold looted to behind jodhang mound carriers.

a long the procession in front of mountains kencono ward, sri sultan hamengkubuwono X as the king of yogyakarta palce held a procession gerebeg dal ngabekten followed by relatives/ family court, the courtiers and the regent in yogyakarta. the ngabekten event is done only once in 8 years

in the event two of the palace treasures nyi kendhil kanjeng mrico and percussion kanjeng kyai meyek issued. as the procession was the emperor to make a lump of rice. lump of boiled rice using nyi kendhil kanjeng mrico then distributed to anyone who attended the event. this is also a sign of generosity and sodaqoh from the king.

special this year, the traditional ceremony of the carnival also featured Maulud Grebeg 8 elephants ridden by a keeper who started the procession Mount  Grebeg kirap Maulud. In addition there are also additional Maulud  Grebeg Mount called Mount Bromo. This mound will be contested by the courtiers in the palace Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat

Course of traditional ceremonial procession Grebeg Maulud procession of Mount Question Wadon, Gepak, Pawuhan, and Dharat issued from the royal palace through Siti Hinggil Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat, Cultural, North Square, until the end of the Masjid Gede yard , Kauman, Yogyakarta.

Mountains are made from food ingredients, such as vegetables, beans, red peppers, sweet potatoes, and some made of complementary sticky and shaped like a mountain, which symbolizes prosperity and wealth of the land Mataram Palace ..

Parade lanang  Mount, Wadon, Gepak, Pawuhan, and Dharat led by Manggoloyudho (warlord) GBPH Yudhaningrat (brother of Sultan HB X) was greeted with a volley shot by soldiers when he came out of the palace within the palace and through the North Square.

Accompaniment of these mountain troops escorted nine soldiers court. That soldier Wirobrojo, Ketanggung, Bugis, Daeng, Patangpuluh, and Nyutro. They wore uniforms and attributes of different colors and carrying a spear gun, kris and ancient rifles.

Furthermore, a number of mountains was taken to the Great Mosque / Great Kauman Yogyakarta, to be blessed and prayed over by the headman court. Then it became seizure mountain residents who had waited since morning in the courtyard of the mosque.

While one was brought to the Temple mound, a distance Pakualaman approximately 1 km from the palace with soldiers escorted the traditional and then became seizure of hundreds of local residents.

Those who get a portion of these mountains still believe that charity King Ngayogyakarta Sultanate Palace Sultan Hamengkubuwono X will bring blessings to their lives

Keraton Ngayogyakarta Sultanate during the year held a traditional ceremony of Grebeg three times the Grebeg Syawal was held to coincide with the Eid holiday, coinciding with the Great Grebeg Idul Adha, and Grebeg Maulud or coincide with the commemoration of the birth of the Prophet.

The ceremony which was held this hereditary wide attention from the people of Yogyakarta and its surroundings. Even tourists from overseas did not miss too come to see the ritual is held each year.

Community and foreign tourists waiting since early morning to enjoy the spectacle of a traditional ceremony is hereditary though should stand huddled in the middle of the sun.

The procession this year Grebeg Maulud looks attract the attention of tourists, who patiently waited since the beginning until the end of the traditional ceremony and they were enthusiastically perpetuated the traditional procession, either through a camera or video camera.

The event ended after the Bromo mountain loaded into the palace and hotly contested family court .

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Beringharjo of Batik Market

   " EENDER MOOISTE PASSER OP JAVA" or one of the most beautiful markets in Java is not as excessive for Beringharjo market. The construction market in the form of reinforced concrete and being familiar with tropical architecture is also the oldest market of its existence has philosophical and historical value that can not be separated from the palace of Yogyakarta. 

Traditional markets continue to grow is built on 2.5 hectares of land and the rehabilitation experience twice in 1951 and 1970. Along with the times and the government, it Beringharjo market taken over by the city of Yogyakarta.


Beringharjo market is one component of the pattern of urban planning in the Kingdom, commonly called a pattern of Palace Catur Tunggal, Square, Market and Masjid (Holy Buildings).

Market location used to be a rather broad field, muddy and a bit muddy, too many trees beringinnya, the east (non-permanent buildings) is a former tomb of the Dutch people. This place is officially used as a meeting of the people, once appointed by the Sultan of Yogyakarta in 1758. After that people started to use the built-umbrellas shelter from heat and rain .

Growing conditions until the Government deems it necessary to build the market as a worthy representative and the central market in Yogyakarta. Concrete Maatschapij indisch Nederlansch assigned to build  a market hall on March 24, 1925. At the end of August 1925, 11 stalls have been resolved, and others followed gradually. At the end of March 1926, construction completed and the market began to be used a month after that.

 While the new name given Beringharjo himself after his reign Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX. He ordered that the names of Java that is used for all agencies under Ngayogyakarta Sultanate. Name Beringharjo considered appropriate because the market is the former location of banyan and banyan forests is the greatness and protection symbol for many people. So it is in accordance with the market image that had burned in 1986 as a market center or big market  for the Yogyakarta community.


Every day at 06.00-17.00 WIB


Main components:

• Land

• Store patch / stores

• foundation in the corridor

• foundation outside the corridor

• foundation outside the Market

• Warehouse

• animal cage

 Supporting components:

• Laundry Facility

• Support Pack Fit

• Mechanical Electrical

• Communication Facilities

• Facility belay Animals

• Special Way

• Facility Security

• Hygien and Sanitation Facilities

Supporting components:

• Center for Health Services and Child Care

• Transport Service Center

• Office Manager

• Cooperative Office Market

• Places of Worship / Small Mosque / Mosque 



• stores and batik clothing corridor

stores and  household needs corridor

stores and electronic devices corridor

stores and fruit corridor

stores  and hawker stalls markets


- Prices of goods in this market can generally be negotiable if you wish. be Smart bargain!

- Be careful with pickpockets when in the market  Beringharjo.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

ankringan kota gede jogja


angkringan is a term used to describe eating places that are not too large. This term is used because the visitors who eat in the place his feet in place on the wooden bar under the table.

in jogja used term angkringan , in solo wearing term "hik" (hidangan istimewa kucing)-a special meal cat - in semarang called “the shop of koboy”.

presented menu variety. from drinks , snacks to food weight. beverages are served mainly tea, coffee, orange juice, milk. everything can be served in a hot or cold.

angkringan food in the form of fried , wrought bacem , intestines satay, chicken satay, fried quail, quail egg satay. There the main menu of rice with little dishes, commonly called “rice cat”. cat rice handful of rice with toppings of a small piece of fish or peanut vegetables served with sambal chilli.

angkringan a favorite place to hang out, talk, the discussion of trivial issues until so political state. students became the main customers angkringan, especially in the city of Jogja and Solo. so angkringan more easily found near the campus.

to be continued...

Saturday, February 20, 2010

MALIOBORO, nostalgic IN HEAVEN Souvenirs


Stretched across the imaginary axis connecting the sultan's palace, monument and the peak of Mount Merapi, this path is formed into a trade locality after Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono I developed a means of trading through a traditional market since 1758. After over 248 years, the place still survive as a trade area even be one of the icons of Yogyakarta, known as the Malioboro. 

Located about 800 meters from the sultan's palace, this place was once filled with a bouquet of flowers every time the Palace implement celebration. Malioboro, which in Sanskrit means "flowers" becomes the basis for naming the street. Flanked by shops, offices, restaurants, star hotels and historic buildings, streets that once had to struggle as the basis of the Dutch military aggression to-2 in 1948 the land was once a wandering of the artists belonging to the community Persada Studi Klub (PSK) led artists Bannerman Landu Paranggi since the 1970s until around 1990. 

Souvenirs center

Enjoy the shopping experience, unique souvenirs hunting Jogja, tourists can walk along the shoulder of the road corridor (arcade). Here will find many vendors that hold merchandise. Ranging from local handicraft products such as batik, rattan ornament, leather puppets, bamboo crafts (key chains, decorative lamps, etc.) also headcloth (hat typical Java / Yogyakarta) and silver goods, until the merchant who sells knickknacks are more common found in other commercial places. 

Throughout the arcade, but tourists can shop in peace in a sunny or rainy conditions, also can enjoy a pleasant shopping experience at bargain prices. If lucky, can be decreased or even third half. 

Do not forget to leave little energy. There is still a traditional market that must be visited. In the place known by Beringharjo market, but tourists can find similar items for sale along the arcade, this market provides a variety of traditional products is more complete. In addition to local products Yogyakarta, also available products such as neighboring areas or batik Pekalongan batik Solo. Looking for batik or batik print, or just looking for decorating the windows with curtains unique motifs and batik bed sheets beautiful. This place will satisfy your shopping desires unique goods with cheaper prices.

Shopping in the Malioboro area and Beringharjo, be sure not fooled by the price offered. Usually the vendors to raise prices than usual for tourists.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

inside of indonesia the plan to attack...
ups..! sorry girls...your lipstick on me.... 
main street also play ground
hang it on!


"ngrumpi" is exchanged stories and talked about everything.

yes .. all things ....

  looking for lice in his head into the activities of mothers household with no activity or being relaxed. in various regions in Indonesia, this activity has become a habit.  

hiruk pikuk  masalah bangsa yang di gelar semua media seakan melupakan persoalan bangsa ini.persoalan yang mendasar, persoalan yang langsung menyentuh kehidupan masyrakat indonesia kebanyakan. seluruh tenaga waktu dan energi terserap oleh permasalahan yang mungkin dialami sebagian kecil orang-orang hebat di negeri ini. mulai dari kasus antasari ketua kpk yang terlibat skandal dengan rani juliani, perseteruan cicak vs buaya yang melibatkan kabareskrim susno duaji dengan bibit samad rianto dan rekanya dari kpk, kasus bank century hingga sampai ke pansus di dpr. sekarang, rame-rame membicarakan loby politik untuk koalisi partai politik yang mungkin akan pecah dan pemakzulan presiden.
rakyat hanya menjadi penonton dari cerita yang melebihi sinetron tidak lucu, bahkan konyol dengan ending yang sudah bisa ditebak.

sedikit merasakan atmosphere yang berbeda, kali ini kita menyusuri perkampungan dipinggiran kota besar, tipikal perkampungan kumuh di iindonesia. 
mencoba memasuki suasana khas perkampungan kumuh, dimana infrastruktur yang tidak tertata. jalan sempit, fasilitas publik minim. melihat langsung kehidupan keseharian penduduk, dimana siang hari kebanyakan yang dirumah adalah ibu-ibu. 
banyak kegiatan yang meraka lakukan bisa ditemui, ngrumpi di ujung gang, mengasuh anak, berjualan didepan rumah, bahkan mencuci pakain dijalanpun ada.
satu hal yang jelas tetangkap adalah suasana kekeluargaan mereka, akrab dan hangat. sepanjang menyusuri jalan-jalan sempit, tegur sapa dari mereka selalu mengiringi.

Monday, February 15, 2010

dragon fruit

Dragon fruit is the main type of fruit than the cactus. He could grow in the sun enough in various fields. Dragon fruit is ripe weighing approximately 400 grams, but there are also greater.

Friday, February 12, 2010

imlek 2010 is the year of tiger


Red lanterns hung over the Lunar New Year celebration as the meaning of luck 

Lunar New Year is the most important celebration of Tionghoa. Lunar New Year celebration begins on the first day of the first month (Chinese: 正月; pinyin: Zheng Yuè) in penaggalan Tionghoa and ends with Cap Go Meh in date to fifteen (at the time of full moon). New Year's Eve is known as Chúxī imlek which means "night turn of the year".
In Tionkok, customs and traditions associated with the area the Chinese New Year celebration is very diverse. However, all of which share many common themes such as the banquet dinner on New Year's Eve, as well as triggering fireworks. Although the Chinese calendar traditionally did not use the number continuous years, dating Tionghoa outside China often numbered from the reign of Huang Ti. At least now there are three years numbered 1 are used by various experts, so that in the year 2009 AD "In Tionghoa" could be the year 4707, 4706, or 4646

Monday, February 1, 2010

tugu jogja

Menikmati kota jogja dimalam hari tidak lengkap bila belum berkunjung di tugu jogja. 
bila malam semakin larut, lepas tengah malam tugu jogja menjadi salah satu tempat paling favorit anak muda Jogja untuk berkumpul. aktifitas utama mereka adalah berfoto.
ya, Tugu Jogja sebagai ikon kota Jogja merupakan latar foto paling menarik sebagai suatu tanda keberadaan kita saat dimana berada, karena Tugu Jogja paling mudah dikenali sebagai ikon kota Jogja, selain Keraton Jogja tentunya.
semakin larut, ketika jalan sudah mulai sepi dari lalu lalang kendaraan bermotor, ketika udara dingin jogja mulai merayap, semakin banyak muda mudi yang datang ke Tugu. Mereka biasanya datang secara berkelompok. Mungkin mereka adalah satu teman di kampus, Genk kost-kost-an atau juga teman-teman yang baru datang di jogja. Bahkan beberapa orang mungkin sedang melunasi nadzarnya, karena banyak juga orang yang kuliah atau sekolah di Jogja, jika sudah lulus harus memegang Tugu Jogja. sebagai rasa syukur dan kecintaan terhadap kota jogja ini.
Dengan kamera digital maupun ponsel berkamera cukuplah buat ambil banyak pose disekitar tugu. bahkan beberapa orang kadang membawa perlengkapan kamera layaknya Fotographer professional.

Malam semakin larut, menjelang pagi.....

Aktifitas model dadakan muda mudi Jogja semakin bergairah. Sesekali tawa mereka mengiringi tingkah polah lucu pose mereka.
ya....itulah salah satu daya tarik kota jogja.
dimanapun, kapanpun, dalam kesederhanaan, mampu menghadirkan suasana bahagia dalam atmosphere nan romantis.

see you there

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